Since 2018, Farming at Holly Hill has been transformed under new ownership.

‘The Terrace House’ and the equestrian facilities sit in 3 acres. the farmING BUSINESs, now a formal business PARTNERSHIP, is known as ‘holly Hill farm’ and occupies most of the 17 acres of remaining land.

In addition to the EXPANDING sheep flock grazing, the farm will SEE the arrival of more hens, and possibly rare breed CATTLE and PIGS. The coming year will incude a focus on honey bees.

the addition of the 16x10m steel framed barn - providing agricultural machinery STORAGE, hay storage and SPRING lambing pens, is a major step forward along with further machinery purchase. Other plans include leasing or purchasing additional grazing paddocks from adjacent owners.

specific 2021 plans, once lambing facilities are ready, include establishing breeding flock of 25 ewes, taking our total head count, following lambing, to over 80.

Given the delays due to Covid, 2021 saw foundations of the barn laid, and the purchase of a flock of Suffolk Ewes at the annual dolphin sheep fair in Ardingly, with a view to lambing in 2022.

The CURRENT Farm in numbers:

3 flocks of sheep typically graze the pasture
Upto 40 Hebridean EWES and 25+ ROMNEy-Southdowns / LLeyns and 25 Suffolk x Mules
additional Lambs BORN EACH SPRING
1 flock of poultry
600m of new stock fencing
1 tractor
1 quad bike
2 badger sets
39 Common Carp
90,000 honey bees
Just over 17 acres of pasture and 2 woodland shaws